Royal Academy Summer Exhibition
I will be exhibiting an oil on canvas at this years Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.
Ridgeway Night Horizon
Oil on Canvas
RA Catalogue No 876
For information on the exhibition visit
Update 31st March 2010
I spent yesterday morning being filmed for a TV programme to go out on BBC2 later this year.
Update 19th March 2010
The Royal West of England Academy
Both Nicola and I are celebrating our success at having their paintings selected for the prestigious Royal West of England Acadamy Open Painting Exhibition, in Bristol. The RWA has a well known Autumn show every year but they also have a series of exhibitions. The criteria for these are different each year as it revolves through disciplines of sculpture, painting and printmaking etc. This year the exhibition was for painting.
The last time was 2005, so like the Olympics it’s a long wait to try again if you don't get in.
Unlike other exhibitions it is quite a minimal hang with all paintings hanging 'on the line'; something more often seen in big public galleries such as the Tate or the National Gallery. Each painting is positioned at eye level with space around them. This makes the final choice of exhibitors a challenge for the selectors. The wonderful Victorian Galleries of the Royal West of England Academy are now hung with just 120 paintings selected from artists working all over the country. Prizes for the best work chosen by the selection committee are donated from The Odin Charitable Trust, totalling £8,000 for four prizes, The Artists Magazine and Creative Picture Framing.
I am exhibiting two paintings including an oil on canvas which won a ‘highly commended’ award, and Nicola has one painting included in the exhibition.
The Open Painting Exhibition at the Royal West of England Academy is on until the 9th May.
Details of the exhibition can be found on their website
Update 6th March 2010
I am having an exhibition this spring at
Affinity Fine Art
3 High Street
Castle Cary
Dates; March 6th – April 24th
Update April 2009
I will be taking part in an exhibition at the county Museum in Dorchester and will be exhibiting new paintings of the South Dorset Ridgeway.
The Spirit of the place
Dorset County Museum
Dorset County Museum
High West Street
Dorchester, DT1 1XA
24th April – 2nd May
The Exhibition is part of the South Dorset Ridgeway Heritage Project.
Update March 2009
Justin and Nicola Cooke Joint Exhibition.
At the Rostra and Rooksmoor Galleries Bath
7th – 25th March 2009
I have a painting on the cover of the Wessex Muse Magazine and Nicola has one of her paintings reproduced inside to accompany a short article on the exhibition.
For information contact
Update 5th March 2009
I am having a solo exhibition at:
Innocent Fine Art Exhibition
Innocent Fine Art
The Exhibition opens on the 6th March 2009
This exhibition will include paintings made at Westonbirt Arboretum.
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